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Contact Lenses FAQs

Contact Lens Exam for New Wearers

The contact lens exam is performed in addition to the standard routine eye exam. The purpose of the contact lens exam is to:

  • Determine the correct type of contact lens for the patient.
  • Determine the correct contact lens prescription power (contact lens prescriptions are different than eyeglass prescriptions).
  • Train the patient how to insert and remove the contact lenses.
  • Check the lens fit on the eye with a slit lamp microscope exam.

Contact Lens Exam for Existing Wearers

Contact lens patients require additional testing and monitoring over and above what is done during a routine eye exam. Contact lenses are medical devices and even though they may feel fine, there are health risks that must be taken seriously. In order to renew your contact lens prescription, your doctor performs the following tests on a yearly basis. These procedures are not part of a standard eye exam.

  • Slit lamp microscope examination of the cornea, conjunctiva and eyelid tissues, to check the eye health and to look for adverse effects from contact lens wear.
  • Contact lens refraction to determine the correct contact lens prescription power (contact lens prescriptions are different than eyeglass prescriptions).
  • Review new lens designs and materials that may improve comfort and/or health.
  • Slit lamp microscope examination of the same, or new, contact lens on the eye to ensure the lens fits properly.

What do the contact lens exam fees cover?

Contact lens exam fees cover all items in the exams listed above plus the following:

  • A trial pair of contacts to try.
  • Any necessary follow-up care for up to 3 months to determine the correct prescription or contact lens for the patient. (Additional trials may be given at no charge.)

What age can my child begin wearing contacts?

In most cases, the age children can begin wearing contacts is between 10-13. All children must be responsible in proper cleaning and wearing schedules. If the parent believes that a child younger than these ages is capable, the physician will discuss with the parent........

How do I order contacts?

A current contact lens prescription is required to purchase contacts. Contact lenses can be ordered two different ways:

  • Online. (Opens in a new tab.)
  • Calling our office: (512) 248-2020

What if I have a contact lens prescription from another doctor?

We will gladly accept a valid prescription for contact lenses from another physician. Contact lens prescriptions are good for 1 year from the date written. Only the contact lenses listed on the prescription are able to be dispensed, no substitutions.

What if you don't have my contacts in stock?

Due to the complexity of contact lens prescriptions, we keep only a few brands in stock. Anytime an order is placed with our office, we will provide the patient with trial contacts to hold the patient over until the order arrives.

What makes ordering from your office different from others?

  • Since we maintain your contact lens prescription, the lag time in ordering from another retailer is eliminated.
  • We accept returns up to 30 days unlike many other retailers.
  • Some online prices may seem too good to be true.....and they probably are. Our manufacturer reps have informed us that many online companies that have below cost prices are NOT supplied by the manufacturer. That makes you wonder where the contacts are really coming from.
  • If you happen to get defective contacts, we will gladly get you a replacement order.
  • Also, if you find a better us! We will price match because we want your business!